It's critical to choose the right picture size for each type of post on each platform. You must share eye-catching photographs that appear nicely in the stream if you want to prevent folks from swiping straight past your material. Below is a helpful guide in determining the ideal picture sizes for each of the main social media platforms so that your social media material is pixel flawless.
Read MoreOur objective is to provide a more in-depth insight into the inner workings of Peak Design Media and how our growth is moving once a month. We're delighted to kick off this monthly newsletter by announcing our templates and work throughs campaign for the month of May, which is an in-depth look at the pain points that individuals and organizations face when promoting themselves, as well as the design tips and tactics we employ. We're also happy to start displaying our micro client case studies, which will include a deep look into the work we've done with former and current clients, as well as how it has influenced their brand identity. Finally, we will showcase our Brand Identity Workbook, which is a critical assessment document when working with new and potential clients, and a document that you could also use when assessing your brand's own identity.
Read MoreWe work to make your brand's vision a reality, from logo and advertisement design to site design and digital content using some of the most high-profile design and web development software on the market. We strive to create a feeling of visual excellence and modern appeal during the branding process, allowing for a long-term agency-client relationship and an end goal of creating a brand image that will take your customers' breath away.
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