May 12, 2022

Sneak "Peak" at What's Coming in May...

Tanner Johnson
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Rolling Out Our Templates & Work Throughs


Our objective is to provide a more in-depth insight into the inner workings of Peak Design Media and how our growth is moving once a month. We're delighted to kick off this monthly newsletter by announcing our templates and work throughs campaign for the month of May, which is an in-depth look at the pain points that individuals and organizations face when promoting themselves, as well as the design tips and tactics we employ. We're also happy to start displaying our micro client case studies, which will include a deep look into the work we've done with former and current clients, as well as how it has influenced their brand identity. Finally, we will showcase our Brand Identity Workbook, which is a critical assessment document when working with new and potential clients, and a document that you could also use when assessing your brand's own identity.

What You'll Learn

Rolling Out Our Templates & Work Throughs

Beginning Our Micro Client Case Studies

Introducing Our Brand Identity Workbook


very marketing campaign, design project, website launch, or advertising campaign necessitates a precise plan of the material needed to convey the message. Many small firms and individuals, however, overlook one key step: matching promotional goods to their brand's identity. The significance of this is straightforward. If you are not consistently showcasing content that is consistent with your brand's outward identity, the end consumer will have a harder time aligning your brand's image with your products or services, which can lead to distrust and misalignment during the buying journey, resulting in a much lower conversion rate on average, and, more importantly (what is more important than making money...), making it much harder for that potential customer interacting with your brand to relay your message to their personal network, meaning on average your could be losing as much as 25% of your sales audience (word-of-mouth) to bad advertising content.

A low conversion rate and fewer referrals equals a low bottom line (it's all about the money!). This month's objective is to show you how we can help you create a better identity for your consumers, as well as how we've done it with some of our previous clients.

What to Expect: Our Guides

Every month, we'll publish a post in our PDM Blog that will detail at least one downloadable guide, template, or tutorial that we believe will be useful throughout the production of a design or advertising campaign. These might be things like social media dimensions when posting or how-to tutorials for setting up a Google Ads account, but rest assured, our objective is to provide as much value as possible!

Don't miss our next guide, which will be released at the end of the month!

What to Expect: Our Micro Case Studies

We'll also start displaying our micro client case studies on social media twice a month, which will highlight major obstacles and achievements that both Peak Design Media and our customers faced throughout a project. Our objective is that each case study will pique your interest in the client and provide you with a better knowledge of what we can achieve for your organization.

If you're a prior client, keep an eye out for a presentation of the work we've done with you later this month.

The Riverbend Project | Branding Micro Case Study

Introducing Our Brand Identity Workbook

Finally, we'll go through our Brand Identity Workbook, which is a freshly produced branding tool that highlights the key talking points to consider when evaluating a brand's advertising potential.

The purpose of this document is to integrate the client's objectives with a strategic branding identity that can be used to future advertising campaigns, proposals, social media initiatives, and so on.

Peak Design Media's Newly Developed Brand Identity Workbook
Rolling Out Our Templates & Work Throughs
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